A Case of Multiple Cardiac Myxomas


  • A. J. Naqvi
  • T. Habiba
  • Azhar Faruqi
  • A. H. Khan
  • M. A. Najeeb




Multiple Cardiac Myxomas


Intracardiac myxomas are the most common primary tumours of the heart (8, 10, 15). Most are located in left or right atrium. Although tumours arising from multiple sites in the heart have been reported their location in all four cardiac chambers is extremely rare (1, 2). The purpose of this presentation in to report a case where five separate tumors were excised from both the atria and both the ventricles.


Primary tumors of the heart are uncommon with myxomas being the most frequent (9), usually they are lobulated single masses presenting as peduculated left or right atrial tumor devel oping from Fossa Ovalis area of the inter-atrial septum (14). Occasionally these neoplasms are multiple in one or more cardiac chambers (1,2).In conclusion, multiple cardiac myxomas are very rare. Early operation must be performed to prevent complications. The tumor must be completely excised to reduce chances of recurr rence.
We thank Mr. Fasihuddin Alvi, Librarian, NI.C.V.D., Karachi and Mr. Mohammad Arif, for their help in preparation of this presentation.


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How to Cite

Naqvi AJ, Habiba T, Faruqi A, Khan AH, Najeeb MA. A Case of Multiple Cardiac Myxomas. Pak Heart J [Internet]. 2012Sep.14 [cited 2025Mar.6];20(3). Available from: https://pakheartjournal.com/index.php/pk/article/view/349