Case Report
Manuscript of type Case Report must contain the following sections;
- Must contain an unstructured abstract of up to 100 words
- Must provide a concise snapshot of the case report covering presentation, diagnosis, management, and outcomes
- 3-6 keywords must be provided
- Subject must be introduced in sufficient detail with relevant references
- Purpose of reporting case must be mentioned
Case Report:
- Presentation must be mentioned in sufficient detail
- Appropriate diagnosis must be mentioned in sufficient detail
- Appropriate management must be mentioned in sufficient detail
- Follow-up and outcomes must be mentioned in sufficient detail
- No more than 4 figures/images must be provided
- Patients identification details must be removed
- Appropriate caption and labels must be provided for each figure
- Images must be clear, not stretched out, or distorted
- Area of interests must be marked and annotated on the images
- Informed consent must be obtained and mentioned
- Must be centered to subject under study with critical review of literature
- Take home message or key learning points must be mentioned
- Number of references must be no more than 15
- Must be written in Vancouver style
- Most (60%) must be less than five years old
- Pakistani/local literature must be included