Tertiary Care Centers: Are They Justified In Pakistan


  • Azhar Faruqui




Tertiary Care Centers, Are They Justified In Pakistan


The whole world is looking very closely at the expense side of all human service industries including the vital and potentially life saving medical services. Why then is it that despite such pressures, the cost of medical treatment £s rising around the world? How then are the industrialized countries justifying spending such vast sums on advanced medical technology needed to save far fewer lives compared to the much cheaper preventive medicine and community health measures? Where does the Third World stand where people still die ofsimplepreventable epidemics and unclean water-borne epidemics and diseases transmitted due to lack ofhygiene? One thing Z:S very clear. The public sector must have its priorities dictated by welfare ofthe largest numbers. In the Government’spolicy the diarrhoea must takeprecedence over the infarction.while the rich buy the most advanced care in the same city? Or, is it justice to let afew elite travel abroad for treatment on Government  funds, to have a few show-piece curative centers for those who can ‘t be sent abroad and let the preventable epidemics take their toll?


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How to Cite

Faruqui A. Tertiary Care Centers: Are They Justified In Pakistan. Pak Heart J [Internet]. 2012Sep.14 [cited 2025Mar.6];20(2). Available from: https://pakheartjournal.com/index.php/pk/article/view/340