
  • Mohammad Hafizullah



With the change of editor in chief the centre of publication of Pakistan Heartjournal in 2011 shifted to Peshawar after being published for 44 years in Karachi.The journal has been published regularly for eight years with its office in LadyReading Hospital, Peshawar by a dedicated team of editors supported byreviewers.


I am especially be holden to executive editor Prof Adnan Gul and managing editors Dr Tahir Shah-volumes 44-48, (12 issues)2011-2014, Dr Abdur Rauf-volumes 48 and 49 (5 issues) 2014 -15 and Dr Umair Ali- volumes 49 -52 (16 issues) July 2015 tillDecember 2019 for their wonderful and whole hearted contribution. In a whole we published 33 issues. Since 2012 PakistanHeart Journal is being published regularly quarterly. It is indexed and abstracted in WHO IMEMR, Current Contents, IndexCopernicus Poland, and registered with International Serials Data System of France. It is recognized by Higher EducationCommission of Pakistan and approved by Pakistan Medical and Dental Council. The journal is covered by Pak medinet, googlescholar and new jour.


What is the way forward on this journey? Regular, timely and more frequent publication of the journal, high quality articlesthrough rigorous peer review, introduction of newer sections and launch of new journals of specialties like interventional, electrophysiology, pediatric and preventive etc. Eventual aim remains indexation of the journal. Let me conclude the way I did eightyears ago, “Proactive efforts are required to inculcate the culture of research at all levels and we need to formulate a researchagenda for Pakistan. PHJ wishes to foster exchange of information among clinicians, researchers and health careprofessionals. The eventual goal is to translate the research and scientific advances to improve patient care. Journal reflects1 what is submitted and the quality can only improve if we all work harder and contribute more.”


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How to Cite

Hafizullah M. THE JOURNEY CONTINUES!. Pak Heart J [Internet]. 2020Jan.23 [cited 2025Mar.5];52(4). Available from: