
  • Mohammad Hafizullah




Paul Starr highlighted, The profession of medicine, derives its place in society notsimply from the special knowledge among its practitioners but from therelationships that physicians formwith their patients. Doctors are woven into thefabric of people lives. The fundamental role is to serve humanity by applyingexpert knowledge and skills. Commitment to humane care is important to whatdefines medicine as a profession and that gives purpose to the knowledge thatphysicians labor so hard to acquire. Maimonides, a 12th-century physician andscholar commented, Medical practice is not knitting, weaving and the labor ofhands, but it must be inspired with soul, filled with understanding and equippedwith the gift of keen observation and compassion.

Is there a difference between hearing and listening? Hearing involves basicsenses while listening involves mind, spirit, and heart. Listening to patients is animportant skill but this should be recognized as an active phenomenon. It helpsimprove diagnosis of patients' problems, it can help understand the psychosocialissues affecting their health, and it may even help to avoid a lawsuit. However,one has to learn to listen as it is a learned behavior. It is not a passive activity butone that requires skill, practice and patience.

As a medical student, one learns anatomy and physiology. As a trainee one learns how to diagnose medical problems. As aphysician, one must learn how to listen better. Listening helps one to engage fully with patients, make better decisions andultimately provide better patient care.


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How to Cite

Hafizullah M. LEARN TO LISTEN TO PATIENT. Pak Heart J [Internet]. 2016May25 [cited 2025Mar.5];49(1). Available from: https://pakheartjournal.com/index.php/pk/article/view/1017